
My First Blog Post

Every life counts, no matter how small

— Dr. Suess

This is the first post on my new blog. I got this blog as a place for me to write everyday to my son Jayden. I started writing to him almost daily over at 750words.com but I don’t like the idea of paying $8-$9 monthly for writing to my son so a blog it is…from now on! Its kinda cool because it will be our sacred place to hang out. I am really excited because I got into a rhythm of writing daily to you and now this will be the in house place for writing here daily.

I started work today after 16 months of leave from Staff Support role. I worked casually for the first 6 months of bringing up Rose with slowly things dwindling and me making a career change to head back to work.

It was very nice to be at work today, to dress up, to have a schedule. I am really looking forward to seeing Rose as pick her up from the daycare today. Tomorrow I will have to drop her in the morning and then catch the bus and pick her up and put her to bed as Ryan won’t get home from Calgary until 9:30pm, which now is almost my bed time.

I will leave work in about 40 minutes and then catch the bus to go to daycare and pickup Rose. Tonight, I need to have my, Ryan’s and Rose’s lunch and snacks ready to go so I literally don’t have to do it. I may pack ours in separate bags and leave it in the fridge so its grab and go situation. Tomorrow morning I will have to get ready in the morning, breastfeed Rose, change her diaper and clothes, feed her, put socks and shoes on her and pack her lunch in the diaper bag and carry her and my lunch kit and bag on our way to daycare

I think I will drop her at 7am sharp and not much talk, so that means I will leave home by 6:45am and carry for her about 10-15 minutes walk and I must get her ready to go by 6:40am, I am up at 6am, and get myself ready. Then get Rose ready, feed her banana/BB and cream puffs.

I will be okay, no need to freak out. It will all work out.

Why Somatic Therapy for PTSD?

I am really excited to do Somatic Therapy for PTSD symptoms. The symptoms that I continue to struggle with are:

  • Head fogginess anytime I am triggered by any kind of anxiety (ie job searching in a depressed job market in Calgary) and recently moved here as my husband job relocated us and I have limited network here.
  • Driving and noticing I hold my tummy in and sometimes have to work on releasing it to take deep breaths consciously. Why does my body naturally go into this freeze mode?
  • Constipation anytime I get stress or anxiety feelings and my body naturally holds tummy in and tightness because it sees anxiety as bad and does “fight or flight or freeze” reactions and without my conscious mind knowing it. My conscious mind only becomes aware
  • IDEA: Feel to Heal (side note)
  • Every time I want to do something courageous and out of the norm, my body freezes. So I do yoga but I want to get to that place again when I just do the courage and my body obliges. So healing must take place.
  • So begins the next part of healing journey – to finally love and embrace my body to process grief because loosing a child in the womb and then 2 more miscarriages after that, another pregnancy filled with anxiety, stacked trauma creates a havoc in the body!
  • Time to love the body, heal and do amazing things with it.


Taking my own advice

Sitting by the running water, my head goes to…all the things i need to get done. And the running river, the water has a strong pull to it! I don’t feel like leaving.

Meeting T today felt so good. She’s a mom of 2. The difference between her kids is 2.5 years. If we start after I get the job, then there will be a gap of just under 3 years. We will be alone in Calgary, like we were in Edmonton but mom is retired. She would only come for a weekend at a time. They already just come for a day.

I have a feeling Callie somatic trauma program will be super beneficial. So I don’t have to do a masters program and besides I can start in Jan 2021 if the program isn’t what I thought it would do. So that’s good too.

An alternate reality is: I work for 12 months. Start masters part time along with Callie program, write and publish the book and hold on the baby #2. Finish masters in 2.5 years, and write the book, launch my business during studies, build audience, YT, Newsletter. Then have baby#2. So in 3.5 years from now. Rose will be 5.5 by then.

And then I think and take my own advice, “Do what’s in front of you and do it well”.


Aditi grief coaching is working pretty well. She’s not a therapist but still people pay. Its true. There are valid points for each side.

I think I just need to follow what’s showing up and taking universe lead on things. Hard or easy. Because what god/universe wants me to do, will be revealed at the time.


Yeppers, okay.


Leaning into the opportunity

Sometimes things happen that we don’t like, like the position I applied to and got interviewed and even got reference checks completed and still they went with another candidate. Sigh.

Maybe its time to evaluate what is in front of me, as an opportunity rather than a liability.

The trouble is…if I stop applying for jobs and give up applying on my own…then..I will definitely not score a job!

Well actually not quite, I can lean on staffing agencies to send me jobs (sure I gotta give them a cut but then I save the time to apply for jobs and headaches etc.) – they do my screening for me. They interview me once and place me multiple times. I think its the easier way and maybe the way to go given this COVID economy and me being new to this City with no connections.

Hmmmm….With the time savings, I can:

  • Study more – cover more chapters, get through the course faster, onto the 2nd course (because its June already, 5 more months left to do 3 more courses and that is under 2 months per course)
  • Write on my book -creative time and when am I gonna get time to work on it really? (First it will be work and study undergrad, then it will grad studies, then it will be work again, then 3rd pregnancy and 2nd baby) – the time is NOW.
  • Coach some of my current clients (Casual)
  • Improve my Resume based on HL stuff, get ready to pitch and get Grizzly certified! – may lead to a PT or FT job down the road – its a stretch but its a good start.

So maybe that is the way to go! This job search needs to be handed over to maximize my time and resources. They can get me a job much faster than I can, seems like. Gone are the good days in Edmonton when I had connections there.

To New beginnings and pivoting!



Oh gosh, thinking eh?! Just need to keep it on track. Things are going good. I gotta keep my mind on the right things! Like I need to study with this time, ofcourse apply for jobs too, but also can write on my book and have informational interviews with people who may hire me down the road or can help me..

The mind is so effing fearful. I keep hearing so many people are laid off in Calgary, and its a tough market. Blah, blah, blah and I am not at all motivated to run my own business at this point because it doesn’t meet my needs. Applying for jobs daily takes so much work and mental energy and I mean I hope someone would give me a job. I can rock a job! But those things aren’t in my control.

What is in my control is:

  • Study daily on this Psych course
  • Write the chapter of the STILL book before Nathalie looses interest
  • Applying for jobs
  • Networking in Calgary – strategically
  • Higher Landing
  • Learning how to get scholarships (from the govt)
  • Contact staffing agencies

What is not in my control:

  • Getting an interview
  • Getting a job
  • Getting a FT job
  • Getting a Perm job

How would life be different if I got work

  • Making money – paychq – help Ryan out. Saving money for Masters program
  • Travelling expenses
  • Bed on time, up on time, rose to daycare early then drive or LRT to work
  • Prepare buggu for a day at home (once Ryan goes to work too, end of June)
  • Pack lunch the night before
  • Study time only on weekends or weeknights (if I am not tired)
  • No more job searching time
  • Probably no time to work on the book
  • No OR limited time spent on HL
  • Call staffing agencies and applying for roles

Why I won’t set goals or have laid out plans anymore?

I used to set alot of clear cut goals in my life – want to start my own coaching business, build a full time income from it in 3 years, spend 3 months of working life in Mexico, own a second property (ocean facing) and host workshops where women travel to it all over the world.

Now, as I have lived life, I realize most of us don’t know what is going to be happening in the next 3-5 years of my life. There is a lot of hype on the internet about “having your 5-10 years plans” laid out so we can be the director of our life. The trouble is I don’t know what I want. Everytime I decided clearly what I want, life throws another curveball and the whole life plan changes. Its annoying! Also. how can I decide today what I want in life. I don’t want to live my life where I am working towards something ALWAYS. I want peace of mind and not eager to get to that place where I feel “I MADE IT”.

Why Living Life Without a Plan Is Better Than Planning!

How about we just live life day-today? Maybe without a plan?

Have small small goals and work on them achieving, something that is in the near future and then live life in ACCEPTANCE. I would rather think GOD is leading me down a path that is best for me because he has a plan for me. He will draw people, plans, jobs, things to me that are for my best. Writing this out already feels good! My body just let out a big relief of sigh – the body has its own wisdom and I trust it! Thanks Bod.

You can decide to change your life everyday, but don’t plan for the future

And things don’t always work according to plan

So maybe its okay to not have a plan

We can pursue passions because we enjoy the process of enjoying the passion

Without attaching any outcomes to it

Not having a plan can actually be useful because when we are in the middle of trying to figure out what to do, so we are not stressing about doing things according to the plan but rather living in the moment and embracing what is on our radar now!

Just do what feels fun, without much planning.

How to know what we want? Answer lies in experimenting and doing so fearlessly.


My plans for now:

  1. Have a FT Perm job, make the needs met – get a mortgage, save down payment, enjoy life without worrying, live in a house we love and enjoy in, go on mat leave, have the 2nd baby, grow our family, put them in daycare and carry on!
  1. If PT job is offered, do the PT job and do HL Bootcamp and offer Coaching again! Have an income goal and work on achieving it! (whatever you need to make per month – anything that PT job doesn’t cover)
  2. Get trained in EMDR and Grief Coaching and start helping people as a Grief Coach – 1-1 or Group
  3. Volunteer at the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Centre – to help others out
  4. Write STILL book to honour Jayden, myself and to help all moms around the world.
  5. Helping people (Set goals on how many people) and don’t sit still until that many number of people get helped!

I am not afraid, this excites me! Something I can do it NOW! It doesnt have to all work out, there is NO FUCKIN PRESSURE!

Priorities are lined up!



Changing my story

Changing my story = Changing my Life


Freedom comes with Responsibility. Responsibility of our role in the story, which we can create again and again and so change can happen.

Once we edit our story, the next chapter is much easier to write/much easier to change

– We are all unreliable narrators of our own lives.

– To tell a story is inescapably to take a moral stance.

– Stories are the way we make sense of our lives. – The way we narrate our lives shapes what they become.

– Change, even really positive change, involves a surprising amount of loss.

– What would happen if you looked at your story and wrote it from another person’s point of view?

– Life is about choosing which stories to listen to, and which ones need an edit.

– There’s nothing more important to the quality of our lives than the stories we tell ourselves about them.

What do you want your story to be? Go write your masterpiece!

TOOL – Think about a story you are telling yourself right now that may not be serving you right now?

My example –

I can’t focus and start on studying because what if I fail and can’t study?

I don’t want to waste my time doing masters program just to make $70K/year at the beginning.

I can’t start my business because no one in COVID has money to pay or I am not good at sales

Q: Who are people helping you holding the wrong version of this story?

  1. No one.
  2. Some postings online or avg on ALIS
  3. My past self that failed on NSC 1.0

Deliver yourself compassionate truth bombs – wise compassion

What is the narrator not willing to see?

  1. That I may need to re-learn how to study. Will the sacrifice of working on the weekends, studying after Rose goes to bed be worth spending on studying, writing papers when Ryan and I could be bonding? Will the sacrifice of money put us behind on getting a house in Calgary that is our own or will I be able to pay back the big student loan debt I am taking on?
  2. What if I can’t do it? I have become an excessive worrier because of anxiety of the unknown like it happened with Jayden – like I won’t be able to keep up!. I need to take action ASAP. and find out

What if you stepped out of your story and wrote it from another person’s point of view?

You have done so amazing and you need to continue writing new stories of courage and living! Doing what you think you can’t do and do it to help others.

We have to write a new version of our story to see what the plot could become.

Life is about knowing which stories to listen to and which ones need and EDIT. And its worth the effort going through edit.


What do I want my story to be?

Loosing Jayden when I did, after starting my newly launched NSC business doing so well, having so much ambition and seeing results fairly soon had me believing I could do amazing things! I lost him 10 months after I started my business, 9 of those months I was pregnant with him. I still worked hard in my pregnancy and had 3 full-time clients.

When I lost Jayden, I also slowly slowly lost my business. I lost my passion, overtaken by the dark clouds of grief and loss, I started to lose myself.

Now I lost Jayden, 2 more miscarriages, my business, my ambitions, my goals, dreams and hopes, almost my marriage. All this loss took a toll on me and I really lost my confidence, belief in myself.

I continued to work hard, trying to figure out a way out of this hell and then I became suicidal.

Then I seeked help! And it did help….

Then I stopped until I got better and had 2 more miscarriages

Then I went to go see her again and got pregnant again…

Then Rose came and she was so difficult the first 6 months, she was colic.

Then I started grieving and feeling awful

Then I seeked counseling and found a group and turned another chapter of healing

Then INDIA help and I struggled alot there too, good with the bad

And now I can feel struggling again. I am trying, doing the right things but I can feel me struggling again/gasping for air again.

What I need to do NOW is the opposite of what my anxiety is telling me to do. I need to do, take action in the direction of my dreams! I can harness old Nav again in the form of new Nav and New Nav still knows how to take action in the direction of her dreams ❤


  • The fastest way to melt worry is to take MASSIVE ACTION
  • The action is to put Rose in Daycare, so I feel accountable for my time
  • When Rose is in daycare, I can:
  • – Study for Psych 289 course – EDUCATION
  • – Continue with HL Bootcamp – CAREER
  • – Coaching my client – MONEY
  • – Apply for FT jobs – CAREER
  • – Do interviews etc. – CAREER
  • – Settle in our home in Calgary – EMOTIONAL HEALTH/RELATIONSHIP
  • – Home errands – Cook, clean, groceries – LIFE
  • – Self Care – FOUNDATION

This will actually makes me more productive, less stretched and enjoy my time with Rose.

And thinking and worrying excessively has a negative impact on your body. Take some action, make progress and course correct as you go along. Your body needs relaxation, joy, excitement of new possibilities and not just catastrophizing of everything going wrong!

You got this, take the right action, 1 foot infront of the other and watch the magic unfold!


What is good in my life right now? Taking inventory

  1. Move to Calgary went fairly smoothly. Grateful for movers and family helping
  2. We are living in a space we like and that fits our family and can properly host our families
  3. Ryan still has a job in COVID Times, he can pay the rent
  4. Rose becoming more and more independent and playing alone.
  5. 1 Coaching client that helped me make money
  6. Heritage college interview tomorrow, $20/hour part time job with school, and build work experience in Calgary – important
  7. Doterra income support > $900/month, net $650 but get doterra monthly order covered for us and garaha family without lifting a finger. Thank you Passive income.
  8. No urgent health concerns for my loved ones
  9. Ryan and us being in Calgary, Ryan feels happy so we as a family feels happier. Everyone’s energy effects each other
  10. Calgary neighbours are so nice! Wow, amazing and safe neighbourhood. I feel way less anxious here.
  11. Good landlord, comes over and fixes things pretty fast.
  12. King size bed upgrade, pretty nice!
  13. Masters program FT available here, if I choose to enroll, can finish fast 1.5 years -2 years, including undergrad

Unsettled thoughts – 2nd kid or not?

I think its so interesting how a man regards his women’s career. He says have the child, take care of them till they are 1 and throw them in the daycare.

And dismiss or not discuss all that a women goes through pre-conception, conception, crazy nausea and tiredness first 4 months and hormonal changes the rest of the time. While working and caring for a toddler.

Not a care in their minds. So why should they be the one to decide whether to have kids or not.

I’ve had to bear alot of trauma in my pregnancy journey so far to really create more drama, stress in my life.

I’m not at all excited about derailing my career again, for the 3rd time. It’s time to stabilize things. Not excited to take care of a toddler and a teeny baby, all alone in Calgary. Our marriage was severely tested last 2 times, why would I test it again? I wouldn’t.

Sometimes I think my future self may want the outcome of more kids. But the present self isn’t willing to take on more. Thank god and my lucky charm, neither is husband .

Thinking less.


So let’s decide, no kids for now.

Until further discussion or maybe never.


10 topics to make videos on

My why on continuing to do series of videos again – done

5 years after my loss. Where am I? 10 things I hve learned.

10 Signs you are grieving and what to do about it

10 things I need you to know today

5 Myths of grief

Why “time will heal” all wounds is a myth – done

How to know what’s normal and not *while grieving*

3 ways to handle your baby’s special day?

Is Mother’s day haunting you?

5 ways to honor the mother in you (2020, give ideas for people at various stages)

The unthinkable has happened. Your heart is broken. Why isn’t anyone talking about my baby or addressing me as a mom?

Time to solve the puzzle *A venture, with all the objections and answers to them* Great coaching technique

I have a puzzle that’s not done yet. I started it, put some pieces together, had some wins and many disappointments. Then the results were coming, then I got unsure, then I got distracted while still trying to solve the original puzzle. I started doing 2 puzzles at one time, thinking one’s progress may fuel the other. Another mistake. And while I was doing the original puzzle, a tragedy striked. A personal tragedy. A very personal loss. Of our son. At full term. surprise. Not the kind you want.

Then while grieving, I was working on 2 puzzles. Then I had 2 more miscarriages back to back. Then I didn’t want to have kids anymore. So i continued to work on both puzzles while grieving full on. I was depressed, suicidal, sought therapy, felt better, worked more but always in a rush to complete the puzzles. And trying new strategies and struggling. For 4 years. While still puzzling 2 puzzles, I wanted to have kids again. I got pregnant, carried her full term and she came home a month early.

I had abandoned the original puzzle at that point. Only focusing on 2 new puzzles, motherhood and the shiny object puzzle. My baby was colicky for 2 months. My anxiety was through the roof. She was grieving the loss of her son again while having to manage and care for this new baby.

She abandoned both puzzles at this point and full on motherhood took over. 3rd puzzle.

She worked on her grief a lot more as she worked on only 1 puzzle, motherhood.

Now that motherhood is in a harmonious stage, baby is more independent. I survived India vacation alone with baby as a single parent 90% of the time.

And even in COVID, I got a handle on it.

And now in COVID and trying to apply for jobs, I got $2800/month coming in but I feel the call to rise as a coach.

The original puzzle, my original love of adventure and now mix it with service is calling my name.

2nd project, puzzle, calling my name is my Passion Project.

3rd puzzle is my book. To honor Jaydens life.

While I still mother in COVID times (4th puzzle and let’s be real, its for life)

Why do they all seem so important?

I don’t do well with multiple puzzles.

Need to choose one that really speaks to my heart and it will continue to.

Which one I won’t abandon? Which one will I regret not doing in 10 years?

*Evolved from the original puzzle. Building on that knowledge.

IDEA: 1 Puzzle only. Grief Coach.


1) Video content on YT, FB, LinkedIn – build on top

2) Book STILL.

Q) Are you willing to work on this puzzle, for as long as it takes? Yes, because its linked to keeping Jayden life alive and making it matter.

Q) Will you make money from it? Yes I am open to it but it won’t be required to pay my bills. Until it organically can. I’m open to it bringing money but not required because the govt and doterra chq covers me in COVID, till I find FT job and then that FT job will help me pay the bills and keep solving this puzzle for as long as it takes.

Q) What are possible hardships?

1) My mind telling me “I’m wasting my time”. And ofcourse I am not. I’m sharing and helping people. and I know alot. And I am gonna continue to learn lots. I’ve been through alot and I can use it to serve humankind. That’s my Jayden legacy. Because I love my baby and forver in love, i want to share forver in love and can help humankind of grieving moms feel whole again. Happy again without guilt. Be in Love with your baby in your heart forever.

I’m feeling excited by this. My body is expanding.

2nd objection: No one is listening. You have no subscribers.

Response: Who cares. Someone is always watching. Silently. When people need this, the right people, they will find this and watch it. Take it as help and you have made the world a better place. Just for that one perosnm do it. Do it now. Its worth it. Its in you to give. The goal is to share. Share the best, stiff that works. Stuff that reaches the heart even if its imperfect.

3) You don’t have any goals. Set some so you feel good achieving them?

I feel good doing the work. Period. I’m not trying to get anywhere. My only goal is to share and give, the best, to help one peron on a day. Thats it. Now get back to giving.

Grieving moms want to listen to Psychologists. You don’t have what it takes?

Well grieving moms may definitely need a psychologist help and I hope they will go get it. But a mother’s experience is also part of helaing their heart. To know that they are not alone and nothing is wrong with them even though the society may pressure or judge. They need to know this so I must do my work.

Q: Why must you do it? Why bother?

First of all, I am doing this in loving my son Jayden and making his life matter. 2nd I am doing it because we don’t have any brown people of color talking about this. I don’t want them to struggle alone. Like I did. Honoring these feelings there is a science behind the work. I want to be a spokeswoman for this so no one feels alone or misunderstood.

Q: Too busy or grieving again or any shiny object?

Cool. Maybe time to take a pause, feel my feelings and get back on track asap. No more shiny objects. Not getting on that hamster wheel. Unless it makes this service better or saves time or reaches more

Q: And someone else is doing amazing with their business? Yours doesn’t cut it in comparison.

This isn’t about how others are doing on their jouney. I celebrate their successes. I salute them. This is about me, my baby’s legacy, what I or my life experiences have to offer. There is only one comparison, can I give more than yesterday? Can I help one more grievibg mom?

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